Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Assignment #5

The assignment this week was a lot of fun. Creating Art in camera. The first two pictures are "monet style" techniques and the last one is the "spinning" technique. It was fun to take pictures again off the tripod.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Field Play

The kids were having fun playing in the field tonight and the sun was setting and casting some awesome light. I of course got some good practice in and these are my favorite shots from tonight.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Heart of Gold

Hers is a Heart of Gold.

Thank you M. for helping me with my assignment this weekend and for allowing me to capture your beauty over and over.

Assignment #4

(above) Panning a subject: This was so much fun! I had never tried doing this before, other than chasing my kids around. I had alot of fun capturing these and will definitely try this technique again.
(above) Freeze Subject: It's all about shutter speed. The faster speeds freeze the action. And here I did that with my daughter in twirl. I enjoyed this too. Though it took a bit of practice for me to get the correct exposure working with the shutter speed as the main.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Assignment #3

My two best "silouette" shots (above) were shot this morning! What an amazing experience to beat the sun up, drive my frozen suburban two miles to the water's edge, witness a lobsterman row out in his boat to the lobster boat you see here on the left, and all of this would mislead some that the great Nor'easter storm due in today is actually cancelled! Witnessing the sunrise is magical and has given me an incredible burst of energy to take with me through the rest of the day. I must do this again real soon!

This shot is of the Pemaquid Lighthouse just about an hour from us. We went there last night in hopes to catch the sunset for a silouette shot I needed. It didn't pan out. And hour after this shot was taken the sun began to set and the thick cloud cover took over and killed the deal for me. Bummer. In any case, I got this shot while waiting for my silouette. I really liked stumbling around and looking down for a nice and interesting perspective in an otherwise overshot seen. This tidal pool worked perfectly in casting the lighthouse reflection. I used my circular polarizer here for the very first time! Wow, the color enhancement.

This is Springtime in Maine this year. Our house sits blanketed in snow this weekday morning. I hobbled out with my broken foot to our neighbor's field to capture the enormous maple tree that guards our house. Isn't it amazing how large these trees are. Likely 150 years old. One must get outside and shoot the fresh snow while snowing or soon thereafter. This shot was taken around 7am and by 9am the branches were bare of snow. Melting had taken over.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Young Shooter

My son ... intrigued by my camera setup and the new remote control for the shutter and he was more than willing to have his picture taken by himself! I had set it up for him, got the settings all ready and he started firing away and posing. This one is my favorite because he has noticed his reflection in the camera lens and is making faces while firing away. A handy accessory can make picture-taking possible for the added interest and cooperation.

I was playing around in PS again today. Trying for some interesting color pop on this otherwise drab photo. I liked his expression here as he watched his morning cartoon. Not sure what he was watching but he was a captive audience.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Look What I Can Do!

I just learned how to do this. "Print Screen"! How cool it that?!!! =)

Friday, April 6, 2007

My first 16x20 Canvas

My first gallery wrapped canvas! I jumped at the opportunity for FREE canvas from a company trying to get more business and offering this special limited time deal. So I chose one of the photos from a recent photo shoot with my niece. The canvas turned out great! It's so fun. I hope my sister-in-law will like it. I plan to send it her way soon.

Assignment #2

This assignment was to submit two isolated images and two storytelling images. Here are the four I submitted.

Update: My assignment #1 images were reviewed/critiqued by the instructor and the one of Miss Maiya got "a perfect picture". The others had some composition critique but good exposure and proper settings.

Monday, April 2, 2007

All Smiles

My little man sat watching his morning cartoons as I rested my injured self on the couch. I just couldn't resist getting out my camera and trying some shots in this lovely natural window lighting we were getting from this overcast day. He doesn't like his picture taken anymore but occassionally he'll humor me with a silly grin. This one I liked. I don't like how washed out it has become as the color is more muted on the web. Darnit. I'll get better at photoshop I sware!