Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Monday, December 31, 2007

Scooting into 2008!

Today I was testing out a new P&S camera that we just got and the fun video feature it has while the kids played with their Christmas scooters. We had lovely sunny weather today and it was a very nice change. Tomorrow I begin my 365 photo-a-day postings challenge. It will be fun to see what I can capture each day. Happy New Year 2008!

Sunday, December 30, 2007


This morning while procrastinating my organization work (photography and school- making ready for 2008) I was surfing through some of my favorite photog sites and came across one who had this music video. It's a song I had heard awhile back and forgotten. The video is pretty cute and simple so it grabbed my attention and in listening to it I remembered the song. You know, it's pretty cute, clean and simple. Simplicity - my focus of the day. can you tell I am totally wanting to put off cleaning up this computer? Yup. I am. Enjoy this flick of a love song, in all its sweet simplicity.

Matt White - Love

Have a sweet and simply glorious day!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Rainy Days

It's been raining for months and well we are flat tired of seeing the gray cloud cover. Today there were a few glimpses of blue sky peeking out among the thick clouds and the ground had time to actually dry out so we jumped at the opportunity to go outside. I was also inpsired to take pictures because we received a lovely package from our friends in Germany today! This striped hoodie and the fleece of hearts. Very fun! I love stripes! They are so nautical. :)

We went to a fun location, a river front park. There is an old house on the premise and it had some fun window panes. This shot makes me think of Maine. I love these two guys!

It is hard to believe sometimes that our little guy is 3 1/2 and already wearing size 5. You can see his new favorite shoes, they have firetrucks on them that light up!

Here are the munchkins with their gifts from our Germany friends. Thank you guys!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Merry Christmas Day

Christmas morning at our place. The kids woke up at a respectable hour, 6:30am. Our little guy went out to see the tree and said, "Oh, come look! Santa has been here. Look at all the presents!" And then our daughter went out and was excited to open things up. I stopped them in their tracks and said, "wait, let me get one picture!" And the sighs of "aw, mom!" filled the air. Well, lucky me...they were beaming with smiles because they new what was to follow - gift opening. :)

It is our family tradition to head for the mountains and take in the snow on Christmas day - if it is to be had. And today did not disappoint. There was plenty of snow on the pass today and we even had snowfall at our place too. None to play in but it was fun to see it fall here. Up at the pass it was 29 degrees and very nice. The kids sledded til their hearts were content. Here is a snap I got of Maiya begging her to stand still. She gave me this look. Aw, it's painful getting your picture taken isn't it.

So, the boys had to try a run together. Daddy is a little too big for this sled but he braved a run on the kiddie slope with our son. Here they are all smiles before they zipped down the hillside.

And last, here's a shot of the kids zipping down the hillside together. You can see all the snow!

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

2007 Photographic Journey

I recently put gathered together 12 photos, one from each month, over the course of this year to look back at my photographic journey and growth. It was fun to see all the work that I have done this year and just how many photos I have taken. No, I don't have a running count but I know it's well into the thousands. My favorite lens this year was the 70-200 mm! I can tell I reached for it most of the time. I had several favorites from each month and so it was hard to pick just one. For technical reasons or to show gear or certain shooting conditions these photos were selected.

Thanks for stopping by! It's been a busy first year and I am so looking forward to my progress and growth in 2008. :)

Monday, December 17, 2007

101 in 1001

On January 1st I begin my venture of tackling 101 to do's in 1001 days! I was invited to participate in this challenge by my dear photog friend Maria. I just want to say thank you Maria! I look forward to sharing this challenge with you over the next couple of years.

Visit my list here:

Friday, December 7, 2007

Winter Break

Announcing.... My winter break.

This winter I will be working hard at expanding my photography services from offering natural-light outdoor sessions exclusively to offering indoor sessions and outdoor sessions with artifical lights. Yay!

Meanwhile, I will not be scheduling any shoots from December 10th through March 1st. Please continue to follow my blog for my latest works and updates.

Thanks for stopping by!