Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Snowy Selves

We woke up to snow today - about 3 inches. The kids were itching to get out and play in it so around 9am we headed to the local park to play. The sun was peaking out and it was beautiful. I took the little cam today and tried to get our group portrait holding it! (Warning: severe camera distortion and objects are not as close as they appear!) ICk!

Here is the view from a field beside our place. The neighbors usually run their dogs out here and we have seen some horse-backriders exercise here too. We like to romp around and play with our scooters here.
This is a nearby play structure and it looks so sweet with all the snow covering it. The kids thought it fun to slide down in the snow in their snowsuits. They jetted down!

Ok...the little cam had fun but in this cold the battery said "I'm dying!"

Sunday, January 27, 2008

New Toy

My new P&S camera is alot of fun and the kids are really enjoying taking pictures with it when I let them. ;) Today we were out and about and waiting in the car so I decided to take some shots of our son. He was soooo wiggly today and wouldn't sit still and this little P&S camera was able to keep up and focus and get the shot in action. I am so impressed with it. Here is a very closeup shot taken in the tight quarters of our small car. The light was great and the camera focused just nicely. Look at his baby blues. Yum! There's some wide-angel camera distortion but here but I still like the shot.

The other day Maiya took this photo of T. and I. I think she did a pretty good job. I helped her out by PSing the photo. So Maria, here I am (not a self portrait but at least you get to see the me behind the camera).

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Innocently Beautiful

I just love the sweet smile of a 6-year-old. Bursting with growth and personality. Yearning to grow up one minute and then wanting to return to infancy the next. She dazzles me with her child-like innocence and then surprises me with a mature comment of asking for her very own cell pone the next. These are changing times for her as she nears closer and closer to the tween stage. And as much as she wants to grow up I want to freeze time and keep her my little girl. I may not be able to keep her my little girl forever but I can keep her photograph to help tide me over. She will simply have to wait to grow up and before she knows it she'll realize there wasn't any need to rush into it.

Muah! I love you M!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

What am I up to these days?

It has been quiet on this end of the blog lately so here's a new pic. :)
Today the kids and I went to a local park that has this really fun old house with lovely green moss. I loved the way the light hit his face here. (A window makes an awesome reflector and on a cloudy day like today is a very useful thing.) My son willingly poses for this shot. I had to giggle because you should have seen him trying to make just the right face. He's now coming of age in being aware of what his face is doing and so most of the time I get these cheesy smiles or squinted eyes or eyes shut altogether. He knows I'm after them peepers! :) Here's example # 1...

Yup, he closed his eyes and sends me a kiss taboot. Gotta love three-year-olds. I did capture him with his eyes open too but this is just a classic move for him now.

So, this year I am busy doing the 365 challenge. I invite you to follow my progress and visit my 365 blog. Go to "my other websites" in the side-bar of this website and click on "365 challenge". My goal is to take a picture everyday for a year. Each day will be a different focus/challenge for me and I am excited to see how my photography grows and changes throughout the year.

Keep checking in on my blog as I will be posting some Portfolio Building Sessions coming in March and April!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


This morning while surfing through photog sites for inspiration I came across this song. I went and found the video and just sat there watching it. What an amazing song filled with deep emotion and full of life and promise. Perfect for a new years posting on my blog. It makes me think about this year and the dreams we have for a happy life. Enjoy!

All the best in 2008!

Dream by Priscilla Ahn