Our rental house is about this far from the beach. The kids are walking the nice road leading to the waterfront. A very quick trek.

Their favorite thing to do is to pick the dandelions and buttercups and collect small sticks. Here they are half-way to the beach from the short walk from home.

Here they are at the resident beach access trail. They are almost there!

Mommy wanted to play in the high noon sunlight with her camera so "cheese". :)

Here she is going down the stair access to the beach. The steps are many and steep but we manage. :) The beach has some lovely sea grass on it as you can already see.

Aw.... take in the blue sky and wonderful shoreline. See the small islands that dot the water? LL Bean has a kayak school nearby here on their own island. We haven't visited it yet but perhaps we will before our stay is up here.

And here I am standing out to the tidal line and shooting back at the beach. Many staircases descend to the beach from waterfront homes that line the area. We came down the far left staircase. The kids are beachcombing.

He decided to toss stuff at mommy. Yikes!

Alright, I had to see what I could do bokeh wise with this lens now that it's fixed.

The kids found an Atlantic Jackknife Clam shell the other day and are determined to catch one when they see some water squirt. I tell them, they are fast diggers and too hard to catch. They don't believe me.

Ah, the view....

A new experience for us is the spotting of Red Cardinal birds! I saw my first one late last week. And a few days later one flew by our rental house and called me outside with my long lens. I followed it down the street and into a neighbors bush. Here he dazzles me with a moment on the bush so I could get setup for a shot. Oh how I needed a much longer lens. What beautiful songbirds!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you have enjoyed the tour of our recess play. :)