Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beach Play

Crescent Beach is one of our favorite places to spend a sunny day. The sand is so soft and the view, breathtaking. Today we went there to soak up the sun before the clouds came in. My daughter wore one of my new favorite shirts of hers - blue and green stripes. Yum! Just love those two colors together. They're so fresh and um, beachy. :) So today I decided to bring the camera and work on fill-flash exercises on the beach. It was fun. The kiddos weren't so interested in posing for me so I got what I could without bothering them too much.

This shot really shows you the beachfront. And I wish my daughter's pant leg hadn't fallen down during her travel but this is so typically her. She plays hard and doesn't fret about her attire. I love this age, so carefree.
Crescent Beach

For my photog friends, I decided to process all of these images in lightroom. I did a few adjustments, none to exposure, mostly to color popping and voila. Nothing done in photoshop accept a slight soft light layer with an 18% opacity and unsharpen mask to taste. I really like the effects that I can do with lightroom.

This shot I used fill flash. I know her eyes are squinty but that was pre-flash and let me tell you it was so bright out, high noon!
Crescent Beach

Love the wind in her hair here as she walks to get more water.

Crescent Beach

Here I shot up close with fill flash. I think I should have shot more dialed down. Looks a little strong and flashy to me. But I liked the 3D effect and the rich colors so I thought I'd show it.
Crescent Beach

I'm excited to be shooting on the beaches again!
Thanks for visiting!


Anonymous said...

those are great Angela, and in such tough lighting conditions. I just want to jump through the computer and play in the sand!

Anonymous said...

Ang, I am so happy to see at your beloved beach! Really nice work! You're brave tackling fill flash!