Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


{....more pics added....scroll down!...}

This morning the kids and I stopped off at a local pond where they like to catch tadpoles and now bullfrogs! Yup, the tadpoles, some of them anyway, are full-grown and ready to leapin'. My daughter was thrilled when she successfully captured this frog with a sand toy bucket from the pond water. Her brother was overjoyed to see this little guy. And so with a little encouragement they held the frog and then held him over and over and over. I had fun playing with the morning backlight and my long lens. Isn't he so cute?! This is my son holding the frog.
Here's another shot of him holding him so nicely. I'm happy to say that this frog wasn't injured and was happily released some 15 minutes after this playtime.Kermit

"What's going to work? Team work!"
Here they are as a team admiring Sir Froggy and learning how to hold him. The beach bucket was a great tool in the catching process and in handling him. Frogs are amphibians and must be kept moist so we kept him in water in the bucket and then held him and then back to bucket and then held him again. They did really well with him and had so much fun!


Here's the great frog catcher herself looking intently at the pond's edge for any slight movement. The lighting was just perfect that morning.

My daughter is holding Sir Froggy here and her Grama has always told her that she has a heart of gold. When I uploaded these images and saw that her hands holding him were in the shape of a heart I was pleased. And isn't it just great that he has one arm gracefully draping over her hand. I love the bokeh specular lighting too.


more to come!


Anonymous said...

Ang, these are sooooo cute!!! I never thought I would ever write "that frog had that cutest expression on his face" but you just made me write it! Love the colors and lighting too. So happy to see you and the camera together. hugs!

Tjaardas in Florida said...

Great pictures! You kids are so brave and quick to catch a frog!