Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hard Working Lil' Guy

For weeks we have been digging out a pond behind our house and our 4-year-old son has been a huge help. Every time we go out to dig he follows along with his work gloves and very own shovel, just his size. He works the whole 1-2 hours and is covered in sweat and dirt just like his father and myself. It's so cute. He just loves it. I've never known a child to be such a hard worker. He's always looking for projects and fix it's around the house. Today after our morning pond dig we came inside and took our shower and got all cleaned up. After we got dressed I asked if he wouldn't mind going outside for a couple of pictures and he said sure. We played on a tire and went around the house for a few and he went into the garage and started getting into the tools and pulled out a hammer and started nailing some nails into some coastal driftwood we had found a few months ago. I was thinking our picture session was over but decided to play in the side-lighting here and captured this shot. OMG! I love the backlighting going on there from the window we have in the garage. The way the shadows surround him I just love it. And isn't it great that he picked up a hammer? I think it's so fitting. My little worker boy. Always busy. We have nicknamed him, among several others, "busy hands". He's always doing something.

Here's a shot of him sitting on a huge rock in our front yard. It's a rock he and his sister love to sit on and play make believe. He was happy to sit here for one picture.

We've been having some awesome weather this week and we're loving it! School starts in another week. I have been homeschooling the kids and this year our daughter joins public school. She's very much looking forward to it. Though I think we'll continue some homeschool lessons in conjunction. Our son will be homeschooled and I'm so excited to be able to teach him one to one this year. Oh, I think he will work just as hard on his school work as he does out in the field. :)

Have a wonderful final few weeks of summer!


Tjaardas in Florida said...

Good work T!!! You are so cute and getting so grown up!

Anonymous said...

Great work Ang! Of course, you know he's adorable. :) Who would have ever thought you could get such perfect light in garage?