Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

brushin' your doggone teeth

Today I had the pleasure of visiting with a guide dog pup again. Boy has he grown! It wasn't too long ago, back in June, that I photographed this pup for the first time and posted his pics on my blog. (See my archive for those pics.) One of my dog pictures was recently published in this month's newsletter for the guide dog organization. Today, I went on a walk with this pup and his handlers (my parents!) and as we hung around and chatted this pup received his usual grooming and care. If there's one thing I'm learning about guide dogs is this, they are very pampered citizens! First he had his feet hairs trimmed and then it was teeth cleaning time. Out comes the two-sided tooth brush! Thank goodness I tote my camera everywhere and I jumped at this photo op. The pup enjoyed his grooming time and didn't seem to mind me and my big fat lens pointed at him. Thanks for the mini-shoot guys!

Here the pup sees a familiar friend - a 4-year-old neighbor boy - who happened by for a visit with his mother. Unlike the typical pup he waits here resting on the porch for his handler's next command.

Have you ever brushed your teeth on the front porch while shooting the breeze?

Attentive. Focused. Working. Ready.

Brusha, brusha, brusha.... brusha tooth i-what?! (Mom, what's that familiar tune?) =)

This is what a working dog looks like when they are itching with anticipation of their handler's next command. Eager to work. Ready to please.

Thanks for stopping by!

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