Yesterday morning my son and I went on a web photoshoot together. He scouted out the webs and I did the shooting. I was most pleased when he found this web that I just walked passed and overlooked but was dazzled when I came over to find this! A web build right on the side of this simple lawn /utility trailer. The trailer is an old weathered thing and has lots of texture, LOVE THAT. Morning dew beaded up on the side of it and also on the web itself further enhancing it. What a find! I love the spookey effect and sense of alarm that red creates.
And so, our scouting proved that fall is the busiest time of year for spiders. Webs gallore I tell you! They were everywhere and it was so much fun to see all the various kinds of webs. None of the spiders were out however. They must have been hiding in the leaves for cover and waiting for the dew to dry. Fine by me...I respect the spider but they do give me the hebejebes! Below is another web my son found. I love the lighting here and how the beaded water really shows up. Aren't spiders some of the most amazing artisits?!
This was the last web I shot. I ran out of card space! Had a small 1G card in because my others were full and you know what...those fill up quickly!
This was the last web I shot. I ran out of card space! Had a small 1G card in because my others were full and you know what...those fill up quickly!
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