Angela Schwartz Photography { The Blog }

Hi! My name is Angela Schwartz and I am an on-location child and family photographer. Welcome to my photography blog. Here you will find posts with images from family and client shoots complete with my daily ramblings. I'd love to hear from you and enjoy reading your comments. Keep them coming. ~Angela


All images and site content is copyright of Angela Schwartz Photography. Do not copy, download, print or utilize images without artist's permission. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Happy April!

This is a birthday month for my dear sweet mother! Yesterday, my kids and I went on a walk with Grammy (aka: my mom) and my daughter wanted to take our p&s camera and be "photographer" for the walk. So she took alot of pics (I will upload them miss M. and get them to you don't worry.). She also requested that I bring along my gear. So I packed all of my gear for the long walk and got my workout there. We headed to underneath a bridge so I could teach my daughter about soft lighting. My mom, the willing subject. Thanks for posing mom. Also, while on this photo venture, I managed to get a spec on my camera sensor... looks like if that spec won't budge I'll be testing out the canon repair center again - this time sending something in for cleaning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glorious image! Your mom is beautiful!!!! She has a terrific glow about her and singing eyes. Nice work Ang! :)